Before you get into this article Sara put up regarding preparing your home for sale I want to put my two cents in.
It never ceases to amaze me how buyers react in a clean property. They feel more comfortable to stay longer, their anxiety level drops and this means good news for sellers. I've helped hundreds of sellers over the years, my self and Sara included maxamize the sale value of their homes for very little money. In one recent instance for a mere $7000. we helped our seller net almost $40,000.00 more than their home was evaluated at. So this stuff works. If you want the most for your home use us but definitely prepare your home for sale. Enjoy.
There’s an old saying that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. This is particularly true of real estate, when prospective buyers usually make a subconscious decision about your property within the first few seconds of walking in the door. Whether you’re selling your home, or just looking to update its appeal without breaking the bank, here are a few low cost but high impact remedies to update your home
• De-clutter: The best way to make your home feel welcoming to buyers and visitors is to create an environment similar to that found in a model home. The look is simple, with clean lines and bright, roomy interiors. You can create a similar look by reducing the number of non-functional items you have in sight throughout your house. Less is more, and that applies to furniture right on down to all the coats your have hanging up in plain sight. A simple rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in over a month, you probably don’t need it. Pack it up and make some space.
• Keep it neutral: If you’ve visited a model home recently, or looked at the latest decorating magazines, you’ll notice that the décor is neutral, using soft, light colours to create a feeling of spaciousness. Strong colours should be limited to small accents like throw pillows, area rugs and artwork. Just because you like orange doesn’t mean you have to paint all your walls with it! A small splash of colour will make your room ‘pop’.
• Define your spaces: Each room of your home should have a clearly defined identity that is obvious to viewers. Don’t leave it to the buyers’ imagination that your junk/storage room would make a good bedroom. Set it up so that buyers can visualize themselves using it that way.
• Add some ambience: Don’t forget the other senses when you update your home style. In these days of spas and aroma therapy, its time to throw out the pot pourri and cloying floral sprays and use subtle scents that are fresh and clean smelling. Keep it natural. Even a bowl of fresh lemons on the kitchen counter does wonders.
• De-personalize: This style remedy is strictly for those who are selling their home. Start your moving process now, by packing away all items of a personal nature throughout the house. Items such as family pictures, trophies, and personal mementos distract the buyer and reinforce that this is someone else’s home. De-personalizing your interior is a great way to help buyers picture themselves moving right in and living there.
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